Help with a 2.77 Feature - SSH Admin/Auth

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Help with a 2.77 Feature - SSH Admin/Auth

Postby jwats06 » Wed Aug 03, 2016 4:05 am

Hey guys,

Just updated my AirConsole and my AirConsoleTS to 2.77 and I noticed some notes that mention:
If SSH admin enabled and SSH serial port access enabled, allow SSH to user:serialport@IP to access serial port instead of shell

Can you explain how this works?

I currently have SSH working by using the port 4001,4002, etc. but it is difficult sometimes when I am behind a firewall because they only expect SSH on 22. I was able to turn on both features and I now can SSH to the IP directly on 22 but get the busybox terminal and not sure what it is expecting me to do. Can you post some use cases?

Thank you!

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